
Options for Giving

There are many ways to support a school, giving financially is one of the options such as diverting your state tax dollars to our scholarship organization, sponsoring a child, providing financial aid for a family, and donations. New Covenant Academy strives to provide the best possible Christ-centered education to each of our students. We are extremely thankful for our current churches, individuals, and organizations that donate their time and money to help NCA.

PA Tax Credit Programs

There are many ways to support New Covenant Academy, and the Tax Credit Programs are just one of them. Whether you're an Individual who qualifies for the Special Purpose Entity (SPE) or a Business who qualifies for the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program, it's easy to support current and future New Covenant Academy students.

These programs are the biggest no-brainers ever. Why not redirect a portion of your taxes that you already have to pay and have them transform the lives of students here at New Covenant Academy?


Individuals who qualify for the SPE Program are asked to fill out a One-Page Joinder Agreement.  Confirm the amount of your personal state income taxes with your accountant/tax preparer. Contact Kim Route by calling (570) 662-2996 x126 or emailing

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please follow these steps:

  • Review information on the SPE program to determine if you qualify.  

  • Confirm your personal state income tax liability with your accountant.

  • Complete and submit the Joinder Agreement

  • You will receive notification of your assignment to a SPE.

  • You will receive a letter when funding is required.

  • A SPE K-1 tax form will be sent to use to receive your tax credit.


All SPE funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so NOW is the time to submit your Joinder Agreement!


Corporate donors can earn up to 90% in tax credits when participating in the EITC (Educational Incentive Tax Credit) program. This vital program provides needed tuition assistance monies for our talented students. The application and information may be found at the link above. Please share this information sheet with your accountant, who can best determine whether you and/or your business qualifies. For more information or with any question, contact Mr. Fenn in the Office by calling (570) 662-9662 or emailing


Sponsorships, Financial Aid, and Donations

If you are interested in sponsoring a child's education, donating to a specific need within the school, or feel that God is asking you to bless the school, please contact our office (570-662-2996), or use the donate button below for an online donation.

Sponsor a student for one school year = $4700

Financial Scholarship for one school year = $1000

Financial Scholarship for one month = $416

Monthly Donation = $25 per month


God is so good. He always provides for us and will continue to provide for us. God is amazing in that He allows us to be a part of His plans. You get to be a part of His plan to provide for New Covenant Academy. We thank you for your consideration!

Connect with us

310 Extension St - Mansfield, PA

  • dummy+1 570-662 2996

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