Our Vision
New Covenant Academy engages and empowers students to positively impact their world for Christ.
Our Mission
To partner with families by providing Christ-centered academic excellence.
Guiding children on a journey of discovery
Biblical integration in every course
Integrating God's word into each program
This focus in both academics and extracurricular activities helps your son or daughter grow not only academically, but spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally, as well, allowing them to build critical thinking skills while also learning respect for others. Our commitment to an orderly, disciplined environment enables our teachers to focus on teaching and our students to focus on excelling.
Individual Attention for Each Student
The ratio of pupils to teachers is 10:1, with a maximum of 18 students per class, allowing our students to maintain an outstanding record of academic achievement. In addition to the wide variety of subjects that are studied throughout the year, field trips are also organized to reinforce textbook material and bring your son or daughter into fellowship with the community.
"Life Prep"
New Covenant Academy is a "Life Prep" school. We prepare students for more than college and the workplace. We prepare kids for life. Many of New Covenant Academy's seniors go on to college. Our students have the opportunity to earn college credit at Mansfield University while in high school. Other students find success in a vocational career path after graduation. We are working with local employers and vocational training program staff to develop creative opportunities for our students.
Partnership is Vital
Parents are our partners in the education process. Parents volunteer every day. Each classroom has a parent volunteer who shares their expertise and helps with special projects and field trips. Our cafeteria program is supplemented by volunteers, as well. The parent-run New Covenant Academy Auxiliary is well known for the services they offer and the events they sponsor.
Our Admissions Policy
Youth of any denomination, nationality, race, or ethnic background are welcome at New Covenant Academy. Our enrollment includes representatives from over 40 area churches in two states over four counties. As a school founded on the principles of love, compassion, and unity, our faculty and parents work together to support our Christ-centered, excellent education.
School bus transportation is available in these districts:
• Northern Tioga • Southern Tioga • Troy-Canton* • Wellsboro *
Parents and volunteers are also able to transport students from other areas.